Art of Beer Fest 03
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme BeerFest 04
Extreme BeerFest 05
Extreme Beer Fest 08
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit 2007
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2003
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
NERAX 2007
NERAX North 2007
NERAX North 2007
VT Brewers Fest 05
VT Brewers Fest 06
VT Brewers Fest 07
Olde New England Days Brewfest 2007
Tap River Fest 07

Extreme Beer Fest 08

The Beer Advocate Extreme Brewers Fest was held on a sunny, cold day in February. Due to some confusion on the start time we arrived one hour before the fest started. This turned out to be a great fortune since by the time the doors opened the line went down the street and around the corner.

Once inside we had to decide on what to try first. Surly brewing was spotted from across the room so we rushed over their to try their Darkness stout. It was a very smooth, malty, and extremely tasty beer. One of our favorites for the day. Nearby we saw our friend Steve at Three Floyds. He poured us some Dreadnaught IPA and told us Dark Lord stout wouldn't be available until later in the day. Unfortunately, we were busy sampeling other beers and got in line too late for the Dark Lord.

Most of the fest was spent wandering between brewers and trying various beers we can not normally purchase. There were quite a few beers on cask available, which we took full advantage of, plus beers we tried beers made with peanuts, plums, raspberrys and even chili peppers. Neither of us found a beer we didn't like.

Besides the beer, we ran into several friends from the North Shore Brewers and met a couple of people we only saw once at other events. We were also lucky enough to speak with several brewers about their beers and brewing experience. Overall it was a terrific time that went by way too fast.

Pictures from the fest 

Tim's Samples

Allagash Black on cask
Allagash Curieux
Berkshire Imperial Steel Rail
Boulder Beer Mojo Risin on cask
Cambridge OM
Dark Horse 3 Guy Barleywine
Dogfish Head Spruce Willis
Flying Dog Double Pale
Harpoon Stock Ale
Kuhnhenn Raspberry Eisbock
Magic Hat Braggot
Ommegang Chocolate Indulgence
Oskar Blues Ten Fidy
Port Brewing Judgement Day
Port Brewing Viscosity
Portsmouth IPA on cask
Rock Art Vermontster
Rogue Imperial Red
Shorts Uber Goober
Shorts Woodmaster
Sixpoint Bolshoi
Sixpoint Gorilla Warefare
Southern Tier Choklat
Stone 10th Anniversary
Stone Smoked Porter cask
Surly Darkness
Surly IPA on cask
Three Floyds Dreadnaught
Three Floyds Hunegoop
Weyerbacher Blith Idiot on cask

Danielle's Samples

Allagash Musette
Berkshire Raspberry Strong Ale
Boulder Beer Obovoid Emperical Stout
Cambridge Chili Willy
Dark Horse 3 Guy Barleywine
Dogfish Head Old School Barleywine
Flying Dog Collaborator Dopplebock
Kuhnhenn Frambois
Magic Hat Braggot
Oskar Blues Ten Fidy
Port Brewing Judgement Day
Port Brewing Red Poppy Ale
Rock Art Double Porter
Rogue Brew 10K
Shorts Abnormal Genius
Shorts Smugglin Plumbs
Sixpoint Bolshoi
Sixpoint Gorilla Warfare
Smuttynose Cherry Wood Porter
Southern Tier Raspberry Porter
Stone 10th Anniversary
Surly Darkness
Surly Two Smoked Porter
Three Floyds Dreadnaught
Weyerbacher Quad




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