Art of Beer Fest 03
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme BeerFest 04
Extreme BeerFest 05
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit 2007
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2003
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
NERAX 2007
NERAX North 2007
NERAX North 2007
VT Brewers Fest 05
VT Brewers Fest 06
VT Brewers Fest 07
Olde New England Days Brewfest 2007
Tap River Fest 07

NERAX North 2007

The first annual NERAX (New England Real Ale Exhibition) North even was held at the Tap brewpub in Haverhill, MA on Nov. 8 - 10, 2007. Like the main NERAX event in Somerville this fest featured cask conditioned ales from the US and Great Britain.

The Thirsty Beer Drinkers


Unlike the festival in Somerville, this edition of NERAX had plenty of room for people to move around. There was even a seating area away from the taps.

The bar
Cask Ale Beer Engines

Why NERAX North?

New Englanders have long had a demand for cask conditioned ale. Each May the NERAX festival in Somerville, MA has been meeting this demand for years, however may patrons have been requesting more events and new locations. This event is the first of hopefully many cask ale festivals outside of Boston. 

When is the beer ready?

Real ale is alive. There is live yeast in the cask to provide the final fermentation and to ensure proper condition. The beer arrives about two weeks before the NERAX festival. It is vented; finings are added; and the cooling tubes and jacketing are put on each cask/keg. The beer is put onto stillage and will not be moved again until the cask is empty so that the sediment will not be disturbed.

Danielle enjoying a pint
Danielle enjoying a pint


A pint of real ale
Have a pint



(Campaign for Real Ale) is an organization dedicated to the preservation of traditional cask conditioned ales. They are based in the UK and have over 45,000 members worldwide. They were formed in response to the many mergers of small breweries by larger companies who replaced their traditional real ales with mass produced beers. 

Another view of the crowd
Another view of the crowd

Kris and Paul
Redbones sandwiches for sale

Paul and Danielle
Paul and Danielle

Cribyn Breconshire Brewery England Tim/Danielle
Red Dragon Breconshire Brewery England Danielle
Bluebird Bitter Coniston Brewery England Danielle
1872 Porter Elland Brewery England Tim/Danielle
01 Otley Brewing Wales Tim/Danielle
08 Otley Brewing Wales Tim
Facelift IPA Gardner Ale House MA, USA Tim
Smoked Porter Martha's Exchange NH, USA Tim/Danielle
Stone Cat IPA Mercury Brewery MA, USA Tim
Winter Ale Smuttynose NH, USA Tim

1872 Porter - Elland Brewery (England)
Smoked Porter - Martha's Exchange (USA)

Stone Cat IPA - Mercury Brewery (USA)

List of beers
List of some of the available beers

Sean and Bob
Our Friendly Bartenders, Sean and Bob

Laura, Jon and Danielle
A friendly hello

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