
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme Beer Fest 2004
Extreme Beer Fest 2005
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
Vermont Brewers Fest 2005

Winter Jubilee

Sam Adams Utopia
Sam Adams Utopia

Winter Jubilee
January 24, 2004
Boston, MA

Sponsored by:

Beer Summit

Winter Jubliee Crowd
The Winter Jubilee Crowd

The Winter Jubilee was held at the Hilton Hotel in the Back Bay of Boston. All the beers at the event were at least 7% alcohol by volume. Needless to say after a few we were all feeling pretty good.

Danielle's Samples
Big Trouble Deja Brew
Celebration Sierra Nevada
Double Bastard Stone Brewing Co.
Maibock Smuttynose
2002 Barleywine Stone Cat
2003 Barleywine Stone Cat
Utopia Sam Adams
Northwoods Concord Brewing Co.
Fred Watch City
Newport Storm Newport Storm Brewery
Old English Deja Brew
Special Ale Geary's
Worldwide Stout Dogfish Head
Vintage Ale Smuttynose

All of us at the fest
All of us at the fest

Steve and Heather
Steve and Heather
We introduced Steve and Heather to the wonderful world of beerfests. They had a good time and enjoyed many, many beers. We shared with them all our secrets, like drinking lots of water and taking notes, and now they are veteran beerfest attendants.
Tim's Samples
Barleywine Smuttynose
Maibock Smuttynose
Old English Strong Deja Brew
Au Corant Dogfish Head
90 Minute IPA Dogfish Head
2003 Worldwide Stout Dogfish Head
Triple Bock Sam Adams
Utopia Sam Adams
3 Weiss Men Sam Adams
Double IPA Sam Adams
2002 Barleywine Stone Cat
2003 Newport Storm Newport Storm
Hampshire Special Ale Geary's
Grand Cru Allagash
Imperial Stout Stone Brewing Co.
Liquid Happines Rock Bottom
Old English Ale Rock Bottom
Eye of the Hawk Mendocino
IPA Mendocino
Fred Watch City
Octoberfest Watch City
Northwoods Ale Concord Brewing Co.

Everyone's having a good time

Everyone's having a good time

Best friends
Best Friends

With such strong  beer flowing freely from the tap we all felt warm and friendly. Food was included with the admission, but we only managed to get some cheese and crackers. After the event we went out to eat so we could sober up for the trip home.

Parting Shots
The crowd at the end of the fest
The crowd at the end of the fest
The kiss
What is going on here?
My best friend
The guy
We see this guy at all the beer fests

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