The Vermont
Brewers Fest in Burlington, VT is held each July on the shores of lake
Champlain. It's a beautiful outdoor location that offers many VT, New
England and New York beers. There's even some beers from Canada.
This year Tim, Danielle, Steve, and Heather
spent an entire weekend exploring different breweries and festivals in
Vermont. The weekend started on Friday with a visit to the Quechee gorge
and lunch at Long Trail before arriving in Middlebury to stay with
Heather's Dad. While there we stopped at the Otter Creek brewery to buy
and taste some of their beers.
On Saturday we drove up to Burlington and
checked into our hotel room. A quick cab ride down to the lakefront got us
to the fest, but shortly after we arrived the rain began. It rained all
day long and into Sunday before it stopped. We got soaked at the fest, but
had a terrific time. Most of the day was spent with our friends at the
Woodstock Inn who were gracious in letting us stay dry with them under
their tent. After the fest we had a quick dinner at the Vermont Pub and
Brewery before returning to our hotel room.
Sunday brought more clouds and rain. We had
breakfast in South Burlington then spent some time visiting the Magic Hat
Brewery gift shop. Later that day we arrived at the Harpoon Brewery in
Windsor where the annual BBQ fest was being held. Danielle's friend
Charlie was there and once again was the grand champion of the fest.
We had a terrific time over the weekend and
look forward to 2007.
from our weekend in Vermont