Art of Beer Fest 03
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme BeerFest 04
Extreme BeerFest 05
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit 2007
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2003
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
NERAX 2007
VT Brewers Fest 05
VT Brewers Fest 06

NERAX 2007

NERAX (New England Real Ale Exhibition) is held in late April/early May each year in Davis Sq. Somerville, MA. This event offers some of the best beers you will ever find in the Northeast.
Waiting to get in
Waiting to get in

Fuzz and Danielle in line
Fuzz and Danielle in line

What is NERAX?

NERAX was founded to be a force for real ale education in New England with a focus on session beers. One of their goals is to persuade brewers and consumers on the wonders and joys of session beers. This year is the 9th fest since its inception. It's the longest running real ale fest in the US and offers over 60 casks of freshly brewed beer. 

When is the beer ready?

Real ale is alive. There is live yeast in the cask to provide the final fermentation and to ensure proper condition. The beer arrives about two weeks before the NERAX festival. It is vented; finings are added; and the cooling tubes and jacketing are put on each cask/keg. The beer is put onto stillage and will not be moved again until the cask is empty so that the sediment will not be disturbed.

The crowd entering NERAX
The crowd entering NERAX


Have a pint
Have a pint



(Campaign for Real Ale) is an organization dedicated to the preservation of traditional cask conditioned ales. They are based in the UK and have over 45,000 members worldwide. They were formed in response to the many mergers of small breweries by larger companies who replaced their traditional real ales with mass produced beers. 

Having fun at NERAX
Having fun at NERAX


                  sandwiches   for sale
Redbones sandwiches for sale


                  new     drinking buddies
Our new drinking buddies

Step up to the bar
Step up to the bar

Bill and his beer
Bill and his beer

Danielle and Jamie
Danielle and Jamie


Hophead Dark Star England Tim
JHB Oakham England Danielle
Bishop's Farewell Oakham England Tim
Tradewinds Cairngorm Scotland Tim
Black Gold Cairngorm Scotland Danielle
Dragonhead Stout Orkney Scotland Tim
Dark Brains Wales Danielle
Sam Adams Irish Red Boston Beer Company USA Tim
New England Traditional Cider Boston Beer Company USA Danielle
Brooklyn Blast Brooklyn Brewery USA Tim
Concord Junction Porter Concord Brewing Company USA Danielle
Hampshire Special Ale Geary's USA Tim
Harpoon Session Brown Harpoon Brewery USA Tim
A Spoonful Weighs a Ton John Harvards USA Tim
Smoked Porter Martha's Exchange USA Tim
Another Ale Martha's Exchange USA Danielle
Moat Brown Spruce Beer Moat Mountain USA Danielle
IPA Peak Organic USA Danielle


Black Gold - Cairngorm (Scotland)

Dragonhead Stout - Orkney (Scotland)

A Spoonful Weighs a Ton - John Harvards  (Cambridge, MA)

Sam Adams Irish Red - Boston Beer Company (Boston, MA)

Waiting for a beer
Waiting for a beer

Danielle getting a beer
Danielle getting a beer

A friendly hello
A friendly hello

NERAX crowd
NERAX crowd

All the casks
All the casks

Eric helping out
Eric helping out

Our Mercury Brewery friends
Our Mercury Brewery friends

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