Art of Beer Fest 03
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme Beer Fest 2004
Extreme Beer Fest 2005
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2003
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
Vermont Brewers Fest 2005

NERAX 2002

Enjoying a beer at NERAX NERAX (New England Real Ale Exhibition) is held in early May each year in Davis Sq. Somerville, MA. This event offers some of the best beers you will ever find in the Northeast.

Redbones BBQ, also in Davis Sq.,  always caters this event. If time permits, I would suggest visiting Redbones in person and ordering one of their pulled pork sandwiches. They offer the best BBQ in eastern Massachusetts and have an incredible beer selection!

What is real ale?

Beers we sampled

Real ale is cask conditioned beer that is different from other beers by the way it is brewed. These beers are top fermented, like all ales, but are typically fermented in a secondary vessel, like a cask or bottle. Real ales are always served from the secondary vessel and are not pasteurized or filtered.

Due to the lack of filtration yeast and other  particles are left in the beer. This plays a role in the taste and clarity of the ale and can make for a cloudy beer if poured incorrectly. Once a cask or bottle is opened it should be consumed within 48 hours to preserve the freshness of the flavor.

CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) is an organization dedicated to the preservation of traditional cask conditioned ales. They are based in the UK and have over 45,000 members worldwide. They were formed in response to the many mergers of small breweries by larger companies who replaced their traditional real ales with mass produced beers. 

Fullers ESB (extra special bitter) - Britian
Youngs IPA - Britian
Heather Ale Froach - Scotland
Heather Ale Alba - Scotland
Caledonian Deuchars IPA - Scotland
Inveralmond Ossian's Ale - Scotland
John Harvard's Pale Ale - USA
John Harvard's Newtowne Nut Brown - USA
Gritty McDuff's Best Bitter - USA
Victory Hop Devil Ale - USA
Heavyweight Imperial Porter - USA

Our top picks:

Heavyweight Brewing Co. (New Jersey) Imperial Porter - 9.1% ABV; a velvety mouth feel with a smooth chocolate and malt flavor.
Caledonian (Scotland) Deuchars IPA - 3.8% ABV; a light beer with an aroma and taste of white wine.

Keep real ale alive! Support your local brewery's and brewpubs.


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