
Art of Beer Festival
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AOBF - Stammtisch
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Extreme Beer Fest 2005
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Extreme Beer Fest 2005

Waiting to get in the Extreme Beerfest
Waiting to get in the Extreme Beerfest

The Art of Beer Festival
Extreme Beer Fest
January 29, 2005
Boston, MA

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Enjoying some brews
Enjoying some brews

This was the second annual Extreme Beer Fest. This year there were several new brewers present and a sold out crowd to sample all that was offered. The beers ranged from an un-hopped beer brewed from a medieval recipie to the Sam Adams Utopia, the strongest beer in the world at 25% abv.

Danielle's Samples
Avery Brewing Co. The Beast Grand Cru
Avery Brewing Co. The Reverend
Berkshire Brewing Co. Holidale 04
Boston Beer Works Gingerbread Ale
Brooklyn Brewing Co. Abbey Ale
Cambridge Brewing Co. Cerise Cassee - Tart Belgian Ale
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Au Courant
Founders Brewing Co. Dirty Bastard
Harpoon Brewery Frakenbock
Harpoon Brewery Smoked Porter
Thomas Hooker Barleywine
Lagunitas Brewing Co. Brown Sugga
Kataja Olut Lammin Sahti
Nashoba Valley Barleywine
Ommegang Ommegeddon
Sam Adams Utopia
Smuttynose Wild Rice Beer

Tim and Danielle
Enjoying some extreme beers

Tim's Samples
Alchemist Pub and Brewery Heady Topper Double IPA
Allagash Brewing Co. Odyssey
Boston Beer Works Gingerbread Ale
Cambridge Brewing Co. You Enjoy My Stout
Coastal Extreme Brewing Co. Newport Storm 03
Dogfish Head Brewing Co. Burton Baton
Founders Brewing Co. Breakfast Stout
Founders Brewing Co. Dirty Bastard Red Ale
Bert Grant's Bert Grant's Hopzilla IPA
Harpoon Brewery Frankenbock
Harpoon Brewery Smoked Porter
Heavyweight Brewing Co. Juhlia
Magic Hat Brewing Co. Anti Oxidant Acid Ale
Nashoba Valley Winery Medieval Ale
Offshore Brewing Co. Fond De Tiroir
Offshore Brewing Co. Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale 
Sam Adams Utopia
Smuttynose Brewing Co. Smutt'nator Double Bock
Stone Brewing Co. Oaked Bastard
Stone Coast Brewing Co. 840 IPA
Victory Brewing Co. Resolution Porter
Watch City Brewpub Holyoak
Weyerbacher Brewing Company Heresy
Tim Drinking an Extreme Beer
Tim Drinking Beer
An Extreme Beer
An Extreme Beer

Danielle's favorite beer was either the Ommegeddon from Brewery Ommegang in New York and Tim's was Heady Topper from Alchemist Pub and Brewery in Vermont.

One thing we do at each beer fest is to take notes of all the beers we try. We do this to keep track of all our samples and to identify beers we may want to buy later on.

List of Beers
List of beers
VIP Table
VIP Beers

Our VIP tickets enabled us to get in a half hour before the crowd and sample some beers from an exclusive selection. These were some of the more extreme beers at the Extreme Beer Fest.
Parting Shots
A line for beer
A line for beer
Clive and Lisa
Clive and Lisa
An early event shot
An early event shot
Sold out crowd
Some of the sold out crowd
One big bottle of beer
One big bottle of beer!
More of the crowd
More of the crowd
Steve and Heather
Steve and Heather
Waiting for a beer
Waiting for a beer
Having a good time
Having a good time
A final shot of the crowd
A final shot of the crowd
Some of the brewers
Some of the brewers

The next Art of Beer Festival will be held on Saturday. May 7, 2005. 

For info and tickets visit www.beeradvocate.com or click this link.


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