
Art of Beer Fest 03
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme BeerFest 04
Extreme BeerFest 05
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit 2007
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2003
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
NERAX 2007
VT Brewers Fest 05
VT Brewers Fest 06
Olde New England Days Brewfest 2007

Olde New England Days Brewfest 2007 

This is the third annual Woodstock Inn beer fest. It's held across the street from the inn next to the river.
Olde New England Days Brewfest
June 23, 2007

Beerfest brewers

Brewers serving up their beers
All the brewers except one are from New Hampshire. They brought their standard beer offerings with a few surprises mixed in. Over the years we've visited many of these brewers and have tried most of their beers. Still, it was nice to talk to them again.

The Brewers
Elm City Brewery
Martha's Exchange Restaurant and Brewery
Pennichuck Brewing Co.
Woodstock Inn & Brewery
Moat Mountain Smoke House & Brewery
Portsmouth Brewery
Seven Barrel Brewery
Tuckerman Brewing Co.
 Smuttynose Brewing Co.
Milly's Tavern
Red Hook

Butch from the Woodstock Inn
Butch pouring a beer

Tyler from Portsmouth
Tyler from the Portsmouth Brewery. Originally from Mercury Brewery.
Some of our favorites
Elm City Brewery Minodnock Mountain Ale
Martha's Exchange  Velvet Elvis
Woodstock Inn Pig's Ear Brown<
Portsmouth Brewery Caryle Cream Ale
Tuckerman Brewing Co. 6288 Stout

Country music band
One of the country music acts

During the fest a number of country music acts were performing just outside the tent. They were all good, but really loud.

Heather and Steve brought Mckinlee to her first beerfest. Good thing too, someone had to stay sober to drive home.

Heather, Steve and Mckinlee
Heather, Steve and Mckinlee
Parting Shots
Luis and Paul
Danielle, Luis and Paul. Is there a fest they don't go to?
The crowd at the fest
The crowd at the fest wasn't too large. There was plenty of room to move around.
Niel and Janis
Niel and Janis were in NH for the weekend and joined us at the fest
Entrance sign to the fest

This was our first visit to the Woodstock Olde New England Days Brewfest. It's in a beautiful location and offers some great beers. There may not be a lot of brewers here, but you do get to spend a lot of time talking with them.


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