
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
Belgian Beer Fest
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Beer Summit 2004
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Winter Jubilee
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NERAX 2006

Belgian Beer Fest

Line for Belgian Beer Fest
Line waiting to get in Cyclorama

Belgian Beer Fest
November 6, 2004
Boston, MA

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Enjoying some brews
Enjoying some brews

The Belgian beer fest hosted over 100 Belgian (imported) and Belgian style (domestic) beers. This was probably the largest collection of Belgian beers together at one time anywhere in the world. 

Danielle's Samples
Brouwerij Bosteels Deus
Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat Maredsous 10
Cambridge Brewing Company Triple Threat
Dogfish Head Festina Lente
Grimbergen Double
Harpoon 3B (Barrel-aged, Belgian Bitter)
John Harvard's Bleu
Off Shore Brewing Company Rye Not
Rochford Rochford 10
Rock Bottom Maximus
Rock Bottom Peach Lambic
St. Feuillien Cuevee de Noel
St. Sebastian Grand Reserve
The Tap Gouden Schoen
Weyerbacher Quad

Beer Booths
Getting ready for the beer drinkers

Tim's Samples
Achel Double
Allagash Brewing Company Curieux
Brouwerij Bosteels Deus
Brouwerij Bosteels Kwak
Brouwerij De Block Joostens Brouwerij De Block Joostens Satan Red
Cantillion Brasserie Cantillion Lou Pepe
Caracole Caracole Caracole
Dogfish Head Dogfish Head Raison D'Extra
Fantome Fantome Automne
Grimbergen Grimbergen Blonde
Harpoon Harpoon 3B (Barrel-aged, Belgian, Bitter)
Kerkom Bink Kerkom Bink Bruin
Konings Hoeven Konings Hoeven Quadruple
Orval Orval Orval
Rochford Rochford Rochford 8
St. Bernardeus St. Bernardeus Apt. 12
St. Feuillien St. Feuillien Noel
The Tap The Tap Gouden Schoen
Unibroue Unibroue Edition 2004
Westmalle Westmalle Triple

Preparing the plan of attach
What to drink first?


The admission included tickets for lunch. One option was a sample of imported cheese. With the right beer in hand these cheeses were great!

In addition to the cheese, sausage and steak sandwiches were available. It's always a good idea to have something to eat when sampling so many beers. The food helps absorb alcohol and keeps you sober.

Food line
Food line
Beerfest sign
Beerfest Sign

There were so many great beers to try at the Belgian Beer Fest. Many of these beers we'll probably never be able to find in a store. This was a great opportunity to sample beers we could not normally try and we're looking forward to next year's event. 
Parting Shots
Crowd at the Belgian Beer Fest
Crowed at the beer fest
Inside the Cyclorama
Inside the Cyclorama
Another crowd picture
Another view of the crowd
Getting crowded
Starting to get crowded
How's that beer?
Beer fest crowd

Preparing lunch
Preparing Lunch
More booths
More beer booths
One beer please!
One beer please!
Pabst Blue Ribbon?
Pabst Blue Ribbon isn't Belgian?
Having a good time

The next Art of Beer Festival will be held on Saturday, January 29, 2005. 

For info and tickets visit www.beeradvocate.com or click this link.

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