
(New England Real Ale Exhibition) is held in late April/early May each year in
Davis Sq. Somerville, MA. This event offers some of the best beers
you will ever find in the Northeast. |

VFW hall where NERAX is held |

What is real ale?
Real ale is cask conditioned beer that is
different from other beers by the way it is brewed. These beers are top
fermented, like all ales, but are typically fermented in a secondary
vessel, like a cask or bottle. Real ales are always served from the
secondary vessel and are not pasteurized or filtered.
Due to the lack of filtration yeast and
other particles are left in the beer. This plays a role in the taste
and clarity of the ale and can make for a cloudy beer if poured
incorrectly. Once a cask or bottle is opened it should be consumed within
48 hours to preserve the freshness of the flavor.
When is the
beer ready?
Real ale is alive. There is live yeast in
the cask to provide the final fermentation and to ensure proper condition.
The beer arrives about two weeks before the NERAX festival. It is vented;
finings are added; and the cooling tubes and jacketing are put on each
cask/keg. The beer is put onto stillage and will not be moved again until
the cask is empty so that the sediment will not be disturbed.

The kegs and casks

Enjoying a pint at NERAX
for Real Ale) is an organization dedicated to the preservation of
traditional cask conditioned ales. They are based in the UK and have over
45,000 members worldwide. They were formed in response to the many mergers
of small breweries by larger companies who replaced their traditional real
ales with mass produced beers.

Danielle at NERAX

The crowd at NERAX

The bar

Getting very crowded
Old Slapper - Bank Top (England) |
Summer Lightning - Hop Back (Englnd)
JHB - Oakham (England)
Special Bitter - Young's (Scotland) |
Fenway Vanilla Stout -
Boston Beer Works (USA)
Raven Haired Beauty Mild - Bru Rm at Bar, CT
Grail Pale Ale - Franconia Notch Brewing Co,
Harpoon Ale - Harpoon, MA
(USA) |
Dead Horse IPA - McNeill's Brewery, VT (USA)
Mild - The Tap, MA (USA) |
Hop Devil - Victory
Brewing, PA (USA) |
 | Fenway Vanilla Stout
(Boston, MA) Boston Beer Works - 5.25% ABV, Full-bodied
oatmeal stout with a balanced blend of roasted malt and dark
chocolate overtones. Real vanilla beans and a touch of molasses
provide a unique subtlety that rounds out the rich flavor
profile. |
Raven Haired Beauty Mild (New
Haven, CT) Bru Rm at Bar - 3.7% ABV, a smooth dark malt
quality and easy drinkability. Hints of raisin and rich malt
give way to a clean roast malt finish. |

A trip to Somerville would not be complete without a stop at Redbones!

Inside Redbones

Redbones Kitchen

Mmmmm.... Pulled Pork
Keep real ale alive! Support your local
brewers and brewpubs |