
Art of Beer Festival
AOBF - Stammtisch
AOBF - Stammtisch
Extreme Beer Fest 2004
Extreme Beer Fest 2005
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
Winter Jubilee
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NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005
NERAX 2006
Vermont Brewers Fest 2005

Extreme Beer Fest 2004


The Art of Beer Festival
Extreme Beer Fest
January 17, 2004
Boston, MA

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Danielle, Fuzz and Tim enjoying some beers
Enjoying some brews

The Art of Beer Festival - Extreme Beer Fest featured beers that pushed the boundaries of brewing. These beers ranged from exotic ingredients to hop monsters to high alcohol beers to rare beer styles. 

Danielle's Samples
3 Weiss Men Boston Beer Company
Utopia Boston Beer Company
Brooklyn Monster Ale Brooklyn Brewery
Blunderbuss Barleywine - 2003 Vintage Cambridge Brewing Company
Benevolence Cambridge Brewing Company
Big Trouble Deja Brew
120 Minute IPA Dogfish Head Brewery
Old Salty Barelywine 2003 Heavyweight Brewing Company
Cinco de Mayo Rock Bottom Brewery
Rock Bottom's Framboise Rock Bottom Brewery
Kulmbacher Eisbock Shelton Brothers Importers
Honey Ginger Porter The Tap
Quad Weyerbacher Brewing Company

Having a good time 
Enjoying some extreme beers

Tim's Samples
Holidale 2003 Berkshire Brewing Company
Chocolate Bock Boston Brewing Company
Double IPA Boston Brewing Company
Rauch Bier Boston Brewing Company
Utopia Boston Brewing Company
Three Philosophers Belgian Style Blend (Quadruple) Brewery Ommegang
Belevolence Cambridge Brewing Company
The Wind Cried Mari - Scottish Heather Ale Cambridge Brewing Company
Baggywrinkle Barleywine Cisco Brewing Co.
Newport Storm 01 Costal Extreme Brewing Company
Newport Storm 02 Costal Extreme Brewing Company
Newport Storm 03 Costal Extreme Brewing Company
120 Minute IPA Dogfish Head Brewery
Old School Barleywine Dogfish Head Brewery
Nailbitter Magic Hat Brewing Company
Morimoto Soba Signature Ale Rouge Ales
Old Crustacean Rouge Ales
Cantillion Vigneronne Shelton Brothers Importers
Saison d'Epeautre Shelton Brothers Importers
Bigfoot Barleywine 2002 Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Apple Ale The Tap
Triple Brown Watch City Brewing Company
Blithering Idiot Barleywine Weyerbacher Brewing Company
Quad Weyerbacher Brewing Company

Beer sample station
Beer Sample Station

Lisa and Danielle
Lisa and Danielle

Lisa and Clive joined us at the fest. Afterwards we all went back to their apartment for some pizza and a couple more beers out on their roofdeck. Beer brings people together. Extreme beer brings people together to share a special time that will last throughout the years.

It's always a good idea to grab a bite to eat when sampling lots of beers. The food will help absorb some of the alcohol and keep you from getting too buzzed. Besides, when the food is from Redbones it would be a big mistake to pass it up.

Food line
Food line
Beer at the fest
Beer from the fest

Once again, all of us had a good time trying some new beers and sampling some of our old favorites. 
Parting Shots
Inside the Cyclorama
Inside the Cyclorama
Another view of the crowd
Another view of the crowd
Clive and Lisa
Clive and Lisa
Parting gifts
The gift shop is open
Beer fest crowd
Beer fest crowd

The next Art of Beer Festival will be held on Saturday. November 6, 2004. 

For info and tickets visit www.beeradvocate.com or click this link.


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