
American Beerfest 05
Art of Beer Fest 03
Belgian Beer Fest
Beer Summit 2002
Beer Summit 2003
Beer Summit 2004
Beer Summit Oktoberfest 2002
VT Brewers Fest 2005
Winter Jubilee
Winter Jubilee 2006
Extreme Beerfest 04
Extreme Beerfest 05
NERAX 2002
NERAX 2003
NERAX 2004
NERAX 2005  

Winter Jubilee 2006

The Castle
This year's Jubilee was held at the Castle

Winter Jubilee
January 21, 2006
Boston, MA

Sponsored by:

Beer Summit

Waiting at the front of the line
The front of the line
The 2006Winter Jubilee was held at the Park Plaza Castle in Boston. All the beers at the event were at least 7% alcohol by volume. This is a great chance to try some speciality beers that are otherwise very expensive.

Danielle's Samples
Westmalle Westmalle Pale
The Tap Knecht Ruprecht
The Tap John the Baptist
Stone Brewing Oaked Aged Arrogant Bastard
Opa Opa Strong Winter Ale
Paper City Double Bock
Paper City Wee Heavy Winter Ale
Sam Adams Cask Conditioned Utopia
Brooklyn Brewery Scottish Ale
Duvel Obscura Stout
Boulder Beer Never Summer Ale
Mendocina Brewing Talon Barleywine
Berkshire Brewing Imperial Stout
Berkshire Brewing River Ale
Mercury Brewing Oatmeal Stout
Newport Storm Brent
Rochfort 10
Spatan Optimator
Geary's Brewing 20
Rougue Pale Ale
Anchor Steam Old Foghorn

Danielle taking notes
Danielle taking note of her beer
Radio Interview
Radio Interview
Since we were the first ones in line a local radio station interviewed us about attending the fest. Once inside the DJ found us again and asked us about our notes and thoughts about the fest. So far, none of us have heard the interview on the radio.
Tim's Samples
The Tap Leatherlips IPA on Cask
The Tap Knecht Ruprecht
Anchor Steam Old Foghorn Barleywine
Rochfort 10
Left Hand Brewing Co. Imperial Stout
Dogfish Head Indian Brown
Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard
Stone Brewing Oak Aged Arrogant Bastard
Opa Opa Double IPA
Saison Dupont Belgian Pale Ale
LaChouffe McChouffe Scottish
Sam Adams Cask Conditioned Utopia
Rouge English Strong
Rouge Dead Guy Ale
Cisco Bagglewrinkle Barleywine
Geary's Brewing Scottish Strong Ale
Berkshire Brewing Holidale
Boulder Beer Never Summer Ale
Mendocina Brewing Barleywine
Mendocina Brewing Stout
Brooklyn Brewing Winter Ale
Paper City Wee Heavy Winter Ale
Westmalle Westmalle Belgian Pale
Afflingham Belgian Pale Ale
Paulaner Spatanator
Tim drinking a good beerThis is one good beer!
Danielle and Heather
Best Friends

With such strong  beer flowing freely from the tap we all felt warm and friendly. Food was included with the admission, but we only managed to get some cheese and crackers. After the event we went out to eat so we could sober up for the trip home.

Parting Shots
Pouring an Oak Aged Arrogant Bastard
Oak aged Arrogant Bastard - I think we all agreed that this was our favorite beer.
Utopia on cask
Although, the Utopia was a close second
Old friends
It's not a beerfest unless these guys are there
New Friends
And we met some new friends too
The Band
The Band
Berkshire Brewing Company
Heather making friends with Berkshire Brewing Company

Early on
Early on before the crowd arrived

Pouring Utopia
Pouring a Utopia

Danielle and Heather
Danielle and Heather

Chatting with a brewer
Chatting with a brewer

Feeling good|
Feeling good

Feeling Better
Feeling Better

Fuzz enjoying a beer
Fuzz enjoying a beer

Pouring Westmalle
Pouring a Westmalle

Steve from the Tap
Steve from the Tap

A long line to get in
A long line to get in

The Jar
The Jar

Feeling Great
Feeling Great

It got crowded fast


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Webmaster: timbrod@hotmail.com