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Beer of the Month
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A woman drove me to drink and I didn't have the decency to thank her.
- W.C. Fields

This month's featured beer:
Sam Adams Black Lager

Sam Adams Black Lager
Sam Adams
Boston Brewing Company
Boston, MA

Tasting Notes

Style: Schwarzbeir

Alcohol by volume: 5%

Appearance: Pours deep black color, however appears a deep ruby red when held to the light.


Taste: Sweet caramel malt flavor throughout. Begins with a nutty flavor that is followed by some roasted malt, chocolate and hint of smoke. Finishes with a mild flowery taste and a dry finish.

Summary: A smooth easy drinking malty beer. The malt and hops are very well balanced. An excellent beer on its own and would go great with a traditional German meal of sausage and potatos.

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